Advice for Health - Cold & Flu
Cold & FluSymptoms for a cold and the flu are very similar. They are both viruses that can not be treated with antibiotics. Both attack your nose, nasal sinuses, throat and breathing tubes. Since there is no known cure, medical professionals focus on prevention and treating the symptoms.
Symptoms of a cold
The most common illness in the world, colds are caused by hundreds of different viruses and are highly contagious. They spread when someone inhales the germs from a sneeze or cough. They also proliferate when you touch something contaminated with the germs and then touch your nose, eyes or mouth.
Symptoms of the fluThe flu is an infection of the respiratory systems caused by influenza viruses. Although similar to a cold, it can be much more severe especially in younger children, seniors and people suffering from certain medical conditions such as chronic respiratory diseases, kidney disease, diabetes or people who have damaged immune systems from medical treatments. As with a cold, the flu is spread through droplets from sneezes and coughs.
How to reduce the risk of catching a cold or flu virus?
- Wash your hands often.
 Washing your hands frequently with soap and warm water is the most effective way to prevent catching a cold flu. Use an alcohol based hand sanitizer if you don’t have access to soap and water.
- Get lots of rest
. Seven to eight hours of sleep every night will help your body’s immune system fight off sickness.
- Keep your hands away from your face. If you must scratch your face, use your knuckle as it’s less likely to be infected than your fingertips.
- Don’t smoke. 
Research shows that smokers are more likely to get severe colds and to get them more often.
- Sneeze into your elbow, not your hand.
 Keep tissues on hand (discard at once) and cough/sneeze into your sleeve or elbow.
- Boost your natural immunity. Eat foods that are rich in Vitamin C. If you use Vitamin C tablets, make sure they also contain Zinc to boost absorption.
- Keep hand sanitizer close by. 
Store a bottle of alcohol based hand sanitizer in your purse, desk or car for times that you can’t get to soap and warm water.
- Use disinfectant to keep common surfaces clean
- Drink water and eat well.
 Keeping your body hydrated and well nourished will help you stay healthy.
- Get some fresh air.
 Going outside for a few minutes every two to three hours will help boost your immune system.
- Stay home if you are sick
Flu PreventionSymptoms for a cold and the flu are very similar. They are both viruses that can not be treated with antibiotics.
The flu is an infection of the respiratory systems caused by influenza viruses. It attacks your nose, nasal sinuses, throat and breathing tubes. Although similar to a cold, it can be much more severe especially in younger children, seniors and people suffering from certain medical conditions such as chronic respiratory diseases, kidney disease, diabetes or people who have damaged immune systems from medical treatments. As with a cold, the flu is spread through droplets from sneezes and coughs.
Since there is no known cure, medical professionals focus on prevention and treating the symptoms. Reduce the risk:
- Wash your hands often – Washing your hands frequently with soap and warm water is the most effective way to prevent catching a cold flu. Use an alcohol based hand sanitizer if you don’t have access to soap and water
- Get lots of rest – Seven to eight hours of sleep every night will help your body’s immune system fight off sickness.
- Keep your hands away from your face – If you must scratch your face, use your knuckle as it’s less likely to be infected than your fingertips.
- Sneeze into your elbow, not your hand – Keep tissues on hand (discard at once) and cough/sneeze into your sleeve or elbow.
- Keep hand sanitizer close by – Store a bottle of alcohol based hand sanitizer in your purse, desk or car for times that you can’t get to soap and warm water and use disinfectant to keep common surfaces clean
- Boost your natural immunity – Eat foods that are rich in Vitamin C. If you use Vitamin C tablets, make sure they also contain Zinc to boost absorption.
- Drink water and eat well – Keeping your body hydrated and well nourished to help you stay healthy.
- Get some fresh air – Going outside for a few minutes every two to three hours will help boost your immune system.
- Stay home if you are sick – Spare everyone else from your flu germs and get better faster by no leaving your house.